SEO Tips for Budding Entrepreneurs with Live The Goals – Dale Richardson

Ardor SEO’s CEO Kris Reid guested on one of the podcast episodes on Live The Goals, hosted by Dale Richardson. The interview lasted for just 32 minutes, but it was full of interesting topics. For example, the two discussed how to overcome challenges and jump into SEO and the business world as a budding entrepreneur.
Set, Reach, and Live Your Goals with Live The Goals
Hosted by Dale Richardson, Live The Goals Podcast is dedicated to help you set and reach goals that matter. Each episode helps you stay motivated and improve skills to live a life full of passion and purpose.
The host, Dale Richardson, has been a leader and achiever all throughout his academic and professional career. He experienced a life-changing moment when he got into an accident. Dale spiraled into such a low point in his life. But he was able to survive this tragedy and slowly fight his way back up. Now, he is a popular inspirational speaker who is focused on helping others achieve goals that matter.
Being a speaker, coach, and leadership trainer with the John Maxwell Team, Dale unleashes so much positivity and plenty of nuggets of wisdom in the podcasts. He generously shares his knowledge, passion, and laughter to listeners. Plus, he interviews influential people who are specialists in their own trades and who are passionate about what they do.
Aside from being the awesome host of Live The Goals, Dale also provides one-on-one coaching and leadership training. He has been invited to be the motivational speaker at many events.
Need some motivation? Get some from one of the podcast episodes at
Overcoming Challenges as an Entrepreneur
The coolest guy in SEO didn’t earn his title because he was just born cool. Kris actually went through a lot of obstacles before he got to where he is now. From becoming jobless to having to get by in a country where he didn’t speak the language, Ardor’s CEO had to quickly learn so he could survive.
He may have been a talented software engineer, but when he started his digital marketing business, Kris pretty much didn’t have any idea what SEO was about. But through reading books, talking to people who know more than him, and having the desire to learn more, he is now riding the ocean of SEO on a surfboard with sunglasses, being the cool guy that he is.
In the interview, Dale asked Kris what he thought about his curiosity to learn more played into his success.
Kris said his curiosity to earn played a big role, adding that one of his friends even said he could be a bit boring since he spends a lot of time alone so he can learn more.
“I go for long walks at night listening to podcasts. I sit in the cafe and read. You know, it’s like I’m constantly interested in how I can market better, how I can reach the people who need our services and find them better. And learn more about them, and how I can interact, how I can communicate better.”
“To ask the right questions to know what your customer wants so you can provide the right service for them, it’s challenging.”
Because of this desire to learn more, he was able to improve and grow his business. Now, Ardor is growing and transitioning into a medium-sized enterprise.
However, everything wasn’t roses and sunshine when Kris was trying to grow his company.
A couple of years ago when he was in the Philippines, business was getting pretty challenging. He got so stressed he developed a bald spot shaped like a mango. Unfortunately, it wasn’t because he was eating too many Philippine mangoes. He was diagnosed with acute alopecia and, to make matters worse, he developed carpal tunnel syndrome. He took it as a signal to take more time to take better care of his health.
This experience also helped him realise you can’t beat business with brute force. You have to think smarter.
Kris and Dale shared more wisdom throughout the interview on why entrepreneurs have to prioritise their health and make sure their work doesn’t consume all of their time and energy.
How Entrepreneurs New to SEO Can Start
Dale also asked Kris for digital marketing advice for budding entrepreneurs who are lost in the world of SEO. Here are some of the nuggets of wisdom from the master himself:
“Go and find out what someone else is doing and you can mimic them a bit. Find someone that you can relate to.”
“If you’re looking for a global market or selling a digital product, then that can get trickier because you’re looking for keywords that probably more people are after.”
“Find your keywords, and don’t try to start at the top. Search and see who the competition are. If it’s a Fortune 500 company, those guys spend like, a gazillion on SEO. You’re not gonna beat them. You need to start small and work with the people you work with.”
“One thing I always say is business is never an isolation. Whatever your business is, you work with other suppliers. If you’re a baker you bought your oven from someone, you sell your bread to someone, you buy flour from someone. Work with these people and help promote each other, and build each other’s brand. Build your community.”
Kris mentioned that even the best digital marketers work in communities.
The two then went on to discuss the beauty of small business communities. Dale also pointed out that by helping more people, you are also helping yourself and your business more.
Do You Want to Make a Change?
When asked what his advice was for those who just lost their job or want to get out of it and want to make a change, Kris says:
“My business started because I was out there doing stuff. I didn’t actually get what I was trying to create, which was a game, which is fine. That wasn’t really the purpose of that anyway. It was a learning experience.”
He emphasised that he was out there learning, creating energy, and doing stuff. That’s where you learn your skills. Even when you’re not sure what you want to do, get out there and do something. You’re gonna have a lot more opportunity than when you sit at home and go “Oh gosh, I should do something”.
Kris is currently working on a digital marketing book and is trying extremely hard not to make it boring. He wants it to be helpful in making it easier to conceptualise what you want to achieve even if you aren’t a digital marketing specialist.
Listen to the whole podcast on to pick up more nuggets of wisdom on starting with SEO and overcoming challenges as a new entrepreneur. You can also watch it on Live the Goals’ YouTube channel, or check it out via the iTunes or the Android app.