SEO service

Search engine optimization (SEO) is still one of the most viable digital marketing strategies in 2020, especially for small companies that have big competitors. If you are a new business and do not have an SEO strategy in place, it is high time that you build one or else you will get left behind!

One of the first things that you must consider is finding an agency that does quality work. If your decision is based solely on a low cost, you will get what you pay for in terms of quality. Once you’ve determined the best agency, you should, of course, take into consideration the average cost of SEO. You should know the current SEO pricing, and what sort of strategy and work implementation structure is the best fit for your needs.

How much does SEO cost?

There are three main types of SEO services pricing. Generally speaking, the cost structure can be:


SEO projects do not have a fixed price. The cost of the service will depend on the scope of the project. With this model, you can choose a specific service, such as a full SEO audit or a content plan.

The average pricing for project-based SEO is $1,000 to $5,000.


Some see this pricing model as the best when it comes to SEO. Who would want to pay for a service that does not guarantee a return on investment (ROI)? This is what performance-based pricing is aimed for—sure results.

Performance-based pricing guarantees clients that the SEO packages they buy generate results. No results means no payment.

Under this pricing method, you may be asked for a minor setup fee, but you don’t need to pay monthly for the SEO services. All you need to do is wait for good results and only then you should pay the SEO agency.

Similar to project-based pricing, the average cost that you would pay also depends on the scope of the project and the complexity of the business niche you are in.

Based on monthly or hourly rates

In this payment method,  you pay for SEO services on a monthly or hourly rate. You can choose specific services depending on what you need to market your business more effectively.

The average monthly rate runs between $1,000 and $3,000, while the hourly rate is from $75 to $150.

This model is great when you have created an SEO strategy – which you should definitely do before you begin working with a digital marketing agency and implementing SEO. Without a roadmap, how do you know what the priority is that is going to move your website forward as quickly as possible?

Should the average cost of SEO be the first thing on my mind?

IT specialist at work

While the price is always an important consideration, you want to make sure that your priority is working with a quality agency who knows what they’re doing. If you wouldn’t choose a doctor based on price, you also shouldn’t leave your website’s wellbeing in the hands of whoever charges the lowest price. Just like your doctor, you want to make sure you are trusting your website’s wellbeing to someone who knows what they’re doing and has your best interest at heart.

You should keep in mind that SEO is not an easy strategy to execute. It requires expertise, a coordinated team effort, a sustainable holistic strategy, and up to date knowledge of current strategies and Google algorithms. Now, with the tasks and challenges that come with just a single SEO campaign, you should ask yourself if you really want to opt for a low price offering. The services might not generate the results that you are looking for, and it may just be a waste of money. This story is heard time and time again.

There are a lot of pseudo-SEO experts who exploit small businesses in investing in low-cost SEO services, which most of the time equate to low-quality service.

So, before you choose an SEO agency for your business, check for client reviews to see if they are legit and really do provide great service.

Is SEO the best investment of my money?

What is SEO?

SEO has remained a very effective strategy for online businesses. In this digital age, consumers rely on the internet and search engines for almost everything. They go online to find information, products, and services that they need day after day. Not only do they go online, but most people go straight to Google.

With the right SEO strategy in place, your website will get right in front of where your ideal customers are looking. The thing with SEO is it’s data-driven. The process is simple – people type keywords into Google, and someone comes up. If you don’t come up for what you’re selling, your competitors are. Once you know what your potential customers are searching for, you have the power to get your website in front of them, instead of your competitor’s website. So, it is safe to say that SEO is truly an excellent investment to make to grow your business.

We’ve all heard about the business owners who chose the wrong SEO agency, and they either didn’t see monthly reports, didn’t see returns on their investment, or the agency didn’t do what they said they would. This is exactly why it’s crucial to align yourself with the right SEO team and make this decision wisely.

When thinking about price and strategy, keep in mind that SEO does not give results overnight. Anyone who guarantees they’ll get your website in the #1 search position the next day is not speaking truthfully. The beauty of SEO is that it’s like compounding interest – the longer you invest, the longer you’re going to see results in your business’s growth. Don’t take a short-sighted approach when it comes to SEO – it is a long-term marketing strategy with a holistic approach.

Before you start working on your SEO,  you need a blueprint to success. You need to know what issues Having a strategy for the next 12 months will show you exactly what to prioritize, how many more customers you can expect, and guarantee your revenue month after month.

About the author 

Kris Reid

Kris Reid, the Coolest Guy in SEO, is the CEO of Ardor SEO. His expertise lies in helping real estate professionals get more leads and customers to predictably grow their business. Get to know Kris and learn more about our team here.

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