Voice searching on smart speakers

The way we interact with technology and access information is constantly evolving. One such evolution that has gained recognition is voice search. Voice search refers to using spoken language to start online searches, as opposed to traditional text-based queries. With the advent of voice-activated virtual assistants like Siri, Google Assistant, and Alexa, users can simply speak their questions or commands, and these smart devices swiftly respond with relevant information or complete tasks.

As the prevalence of voice search continues to rise, so does the need for real estate businesses and marketers to adapt their strategies. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) has always been a crucial aspect of online visibility, but with voice search, its importance has taken on a new dimension. Without proper voice search tools, real estate businesses risk falling behind in the fiercely competitive digital marketplace.

What Is Voice Search Optimization?

Voice search in real estate has experienced explosive growth in recent years, fundamentally altering the digital landscape. Consumers are embracing the convenience and speed it offers, making it an integral part of their daily lives. Whether it's asking about the weather, finding a nearby restaurant, or seeking answers to complex questions, voice search has become the go-to method for seeking information.

How Does Voice Search Work?

Voice search operates on advanced speech recognition technology that allows users to interact with their devices through natural language commands and questions. When a user triggers a voice search by saying a wake word (e.g., "Hey Siri," "OK Google," "Alexa"), the device starts recording the spoken query. This audio data is then transmitted to cloud-based servers for processing. The servers use powerful algorithms to convert the spoken words into text and interpret the user's intent.

Once the query is understood, the voice assistant conducts a search on the internet or accesses its internal database to retrieve relevant information. The results are then spoken back to the user in a conversational manner. This entire process happens in a matter of seconds, providing users with quick and hands-free access to information.

Voice Search Use Cases and Scenarios in Real Estate

In the real estate sector, voice search introduces practical applications to simplify property-related tasks. Users can employ voice commands to search for properties meeting their criteria, access local information about schools and amenities, inquire about property details, and schedule property viewings.

Real estate agents can offer virtual property tours through voice-activated devices, monitor market trends, and streamline tasks like appointment scheduling and client communication. Additionally, voice search aids in property valuation and documentation processes, enhancing efficiency and providing valuable insights for both industry professionals and clients throughout the real estate journey.

The Impact of Voice Search on SEO

Man using conversational keywords in his voice search query.

Changing Search Queries and User Behavior

Voice search has brought about a significant shift in search queries and user behavior. Unlike traditional text-based searches that often consist of concise keywords, voice queries tend to be more conversational and natural. Users are more likely to phrase their queries as complete questions or sentences, seeking immediate answers to specific inquiries.

This shift has compelled SEO professionals to adapt their strategies. Optimizing for voice search requires a focus on providing direct, concise, and informative answers to these questions. Content should be structured to address common user queries, making it easier for search engines to understand and display relevant results.

Rise in Mobile Voice Searches

With the rapid increase in the use of smartphones and the integration of voice assistants into mobile devices, mobile voice searches have surged. Users appreciate the convenience of performing voice searches on their smartphones while multitasking or on the move. This trend underscores the importance of mobile-friendly websites and mobile SEO optimization.

Websites that aren't mobile-responsive may experience a drop in rankings as search engines prioritize mobile-friendly content in their algorithms. To maintain or improve search visibility, businesses must ensure their websites are optimized for both traditional and mobile voice searches.

Local SEO and Voice Search

Voice search is heavily used for local queries, such as "find a coffee shop near me" or "directions to the nearest gas station." This presents a unique opportunity for local businesses to improve their online visibility.

To enhance local SEO for voice search, businesses should focus on accurate business listings, encourage online reviews, and ensure their websites provide clear and concise information about their location, hours of operation, and contact details. Voice assistants rely on this data to provide users with relevant local results.

Long-Tail Keywords and Conversational Queries

Voice search has given rise to an increased reliance on long-tail voice search keywords and conversational queries. Long-tail keywords are more specific and detailed phrases that cater to the unique way people speak during voice searches. These keywords capture highly targeted traffic.

Conversational queries, on the other hand, mirror natural conversations and are often framed as complete questions. SEO optimization must take these queries into account, emphasizing content that directly addresses user questions and provides valuable information in a conversational tone.

Are you struggling to optimize your real estate website for voice search, missing out on valuable traffic and potential customers? Ardor SEO has the solution you need! Our team of experienced SEO experts can conduct a comprehensive website audit, identify the right real estate industry keywords for voice search, and create high-quality, voice-optimized content. Let us propel your website into the voice search era, ensuring a brighter future with increased visibility and engagement. Don't let voice search leave you behind – contact Ardor SEO today!

How to Optimize Website for Voice Search

Laptop open on Google home page

Optimize for Natural Language Queries

One of the primary challenges with how to optimize for voice search is that it relies on natural language queries. Users speak to voice assistants in a conversational tone, asking questions as if they were speaking to a person. As a result, optimizing for voice search requires understanding and addressing the nuances of natural language.

To optimize for natural language queries, content creators should focus on creating content that answers common questions directly and concisely. This includes FAQ sections, blog posts that address specific user concerns, and content that mimics conversational speech patterns. Long-tail keywords should be integrated strategically throughout the content.

Optimize for Mobile

Voice search is predominantly conducted on mobile devices, emphasizing the importance of mobile optimization and page speed. Slow-loading websites and those with poor mobile experiences are more likely to be bypassed in favor of faster, more responsive alternatives.

Ensure your website is mobile-friendly, with easy navigation and a responsive design. Improving page speed by optimizing images, leveraging browser caching, and minimizing unnecessary code can enhance the user experience, making your site more appealing to voice-search users.

Strategize Content for Voice Search

Crafting a comprehensive content strategy for voice search is essential for success. It involves identifying the most common voice search queries related to the real estate industry and creating content that addresses them effectively.

This strategy should include creating content that answers frequently asked questions, producing "how-to" guides, and generating content that provides value through a conversational tone. Additionally, optimizing existing content to align with voice search intent is crucial.

Local Voice Search and SEO

For real estate businesses focused on specific areas, local SEO considerations are important in voice search optimization. Users often employ voice search to find nearby services, restaurants, and businesses, making local SEO vital for visibility.

To optimize for local voice search, ensure that your Google My Business listing is complete and up-to-date, including accurate location information, business hours, and customer reviews. Implementing local SEO strategies like geotagging, location-specific keywords, and creating location-based content can help your real estate business thrive in voice search results.

How to Rank for Voice Search

Analytics showing the visitors from local voice search queries.

Domain Authority and Trustworthiness

Search engines want to provide users with reliable and accurate information. To rank well in voice search, your website should establish itself as an authoritative source within your niche.

Focus on building high-quality backlinks from reputable websites, maintaining a strong online presence, and consistently producing reliable and informative content. Demonstrating expertise, authority, and trustworthiness (E-A-T) across your website is crucial.

Content Relevance and Quality

Search engines strive to deliver the most relevant answers to user queries, and content that aligns with the user's intent and context is more likely to rank higher.

To optimize for content relevance and quality, conduct thorough keyword research to understand the phrases users are likely to speak during voice searches such as "houses for sale in X area". Craft content that directly addresses these queries while ensuring it provides comprehensive and well-researched information. Engaging, informative, and well-structured content increases the likelihood of your content being featured as a voice search result.

User Experience and Accessibility

Search engines favor websites that offer an exceptional and accessible experience to all users, including those with disabilities.

To enhance UX and accessibility, focus on clear and intuitive website navigation, well-structured content with descriptive headings, and user-friendly design. Ensure that your website is accessible to individuals with disabilities by adhering to accessibility standards, such as WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines). An inclusive and user-centric approach not only benefits your rankings but also widens your audience reach.

How to Optimize Content for Voice Search

View of a house from the road.

Creating Voice-Optimized Content

Voice-optimized content should focus on addressing natural language queries and conversational searches. Develop FAQ pages that provide concise answers to common user questions regarding real estate. This format aligns well with voice search, where users often seek direct answers.

Craft content in a conversational tone that mirrors how users speak when using voice search. Avoid overly technical or jargon-heavy language. Create in-depth, informative content that thoroughly covers topics related to real estate. Long-form content tends to perform better in voice search results.

Leveraging Featured Snippets

Featured snippets, often referred to as "position zero," are favored in search results. These snippets provide quick answers to user queries. Ensure that your content directly answers common user questions in real estate. Use clear, concise language in your content to provide an immediate answer.

Format your content in a way that search engines can easily extract information. Use lists, tables, and bullet points to present data clearly. Make sure headers and subheadings are informative and provide clear answers. Search engines often use these for featured snippets. Target long-tail keywords and phrases that align with voice search queries. Include these in your real estate content strategically.

Building High-Quality Backlinks

High-quality backlinks remain a crucial element of real estate SEO, including voice search optimization. Earning backlinks from reputable websites can boost your website's authority and improve its chances of ranking well in voice search.

Contribute high-quality guest posts to authoritative websites within your real estate niche. Include relevant, natural backlinks to your site in your author bio or content. Promote your content through social media, email marketing, and outreach to influencers to encourage natural backlinks.

Create content that naturally attracts backlinks because of its value, uniqueness, or informativeness. For local real estate businesses, ensure consistent and accurate NAP (Name, Address, Phone Number) information across online directories and local business listings.


An Alexa on top of some books.

From understanding the changing landscape of search queries to harnessing the power of structured data and mobile optimization, we've dissected the essentials of voice search SEO in real estate.

Voice search is not a passing trend; it's a transformative force shaping the way people find information and interact with technology. The growing popularity of voice-activated devices and assistants underscores the significance of optimizing for voice search in the real estate industry. Ignoring this trend can mean missed opportunities and reduced visibility in an increasingly competitive digital space. By aligning your SEO strategy with the unique demands of these voice search tips, you can enhance your online presence and connect with a broader audience.

Ardor SEO is your trusted partner in conquering the challenges of voice search in real estate. We will guide you through voice-optimized content, structured data implementation, mobile optimization, and more. Let us empower your real estate business to thrive in voice search. Don't let voice search leave you behind; contact Ardor SEO today.

About the author 

Kris Reid

Kris Reid, the Coolest Guy in SEO, is the CEO of Ardor SEO. His expertise lies in helping real estate professionals get more leads and customers to predictably grow their business. Get to know Kris and learn more about our team here.

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