Food For Life Lottery

How it all works!

FEEDING MILLIONS (even BILLIONS) in need while promoting your business to QUALIFIED LEADS.

What could be better than that?

We're so happy to see that you're joining this awesome opportunity! 

By participating in this initiative you'll be helping Food for Life Global continue their awesome work serving over 2 MILLION MEALS A DAY!

They're about to reach the 7 BILLION mark of meals served.

Yep you read that correctly... 7 billion. 

We couldn't be prouder working with them and we want to share the great feeling with you!  

The plan is to expand our collaboration with Food for Life Global by adding awesome businesses like yours to experience the profound sense of fulfillment for yourself!

Not only will you feel great taking part in such a worthy cause, you'll also be promoted to a vast array of companies and potential customers looking for products and services just like yours.

It's one of the rare examples in life of a true Win-Win

Here's a brief rundown:

Phase 1:

We've set up a lottery where businesses offer up 1 of their their services or products as prizes.

Ardor SEO, for example, is donating a Market Visibility Blueprint. We will analyze a lucky winner's website and provide a strategy to boost Google rankings and bring more traffic and customers from the site - valued at $1,495!

The goal is to have $100,000 worth of business services or products donated by the end so don't be shy. Spread the word to your business-owner friends, it's for a good cause!

All companies taking part will be heavily promoted in a great light for a Public Relations dream come true. 

We'll be reaching out to hundreds of businesses just like yours to join right until the end of 2020 but we could use any help we can get - the more, the merrier!

Phase 2:

Tickets for the lottery will be available to purchase from January 1, 2021 at $50 each for a chance to win one of the products and services offered. 

The more businesses get involved - the more lottery winners and incentive to buy tickets!

We'll be promoting it throughout our network providing tons of consistent and quality promotion throughout our vast network of social media partners, podcast hosts, and of course with SEO.

Including free SEO support helping to spread the news through an article on your site!

All proceeds from tickets will go to Food for Life, feeding those in need.

Our target is to raise $500,000 from the lottery so spread the news to your friends and family and lets make a difference in the world!

Phase 3:

The live lottery draw! 

Each lottery ticket holder will be notified of place and time and each lucky winner will selected at random and promoted to all viewers!!

Not only that but the lucky draw will be hosted on Food for Life's Facebook page who already have over 30,000 followers on top of the potential 10,000 additional lottery ticket-holders watching!

Each ticket-holder and business will be notified of each winner of each prize.

Prize winners and donor businesses will then be connected to begin their collaboration!

Don't miss this awesome opportunity to

GET as much as you GIVE!

Align Your Business with Food for Life 

& Make a Difference!

Nelson Mandela Food for Life Testimonial

"Another important building block for new democracy is the love and goodwill we show to each other. That is the spirit of Masakhane, of bringing one another together. It is also the spirit of today’s festival organized by Food for Life."

Nelson Mandela
- Former President of South Africa
Paul McCartney Food for Life Testimonial

"Food for Life Global does a tremendous job as the world's largest food relief organization. I support their effort fully and wish them the very best in helping with the serious problems faced by our world today."

Sir Paul McCartney
- The Beatles

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